You are interested in our representation?
We receive a large number of applications, so we cannot answer each one in detail. In order to help you in advance we collected some recommendations.
This is important for us
We are looking for full time illustrators. You should be able to estimate your working hours. Do you meet deadlines?
Did you already work in the creative industry? Are you communicative and reachable by phone? Do you dare to advise picture editors for example?
We cooperate with our artists in a familiar way and arrange attractive orders for them. Our illustrators appreciate our work and keep us informed about their projects, exhibitions and things like that.
It is important for us, that you have informed yourself about SEPIA.
Are your illustrations unique and different to the work of our artists?
Your Portfolio
Create a PDF including about 25 – 30 works in screen resolution. Wir recommend to arrange not more than two illustrations with caption for each side. Focus yourself on your strongest pictures. Does your selection shows clearly a modern style? For animations, please send a link to the portfolio.
Please add some informations about
Year of birth
Professional experience
In which illustration field do you want to work?
Which topics are interesting for you?
And please tell us about your motivation to apply to Sepia.
Send us an e-mail (max. 10 MB) to:
After that you will receive a note that your portfolio is delivered. Please note, that we don't send back application documents, that reach us via post.